Monday, February 18, 2013


        She reached up through the mud, as the rain came pouring down on her, soaking her to the bone. I can just about reach it, almost there. I can just touch it with my fingertips. This will never do I have to get it before it's ruined! She was only inches away from being rescued, but first she had to make contact with the rope.
       "Detective? Can you reach the rope? Do we need to lower it more? Are you still down there?" Firefighter Chief Bronson asked.
       That's a stupid question, I'm stuck at the bottom of a thirty foot deep well; where does he expect me to go?
       "Yeah, I'm still down here Dick! Get me out!" the Detective replied almost shivering from the cold damp rain. "Don't forget to send forensics when I get up, I found what I came down here for!"
        "All right then, we will have you up in a jiffy!"Chief Bronson replied, rather preoccupied.
         She patted her vest pocket to make sure the item that she jumped in the mud to get was still there. It was, it hadn't moved since she put it there.
 After what seemed like hours went by, the fire chief dropped the rope more and she was able to use it and walk up the side of the well. She reached the top and there was a crowd of firefighters, police, detectives, and forensics had started to gather.
          The rain still pouring down, now in droves, the Detective pulled out the mud filled gun with a silencer attached, that was stationed in her pocket, and handed it to the forensic unit.
          "It's still viable Detective! You might have just saved evidence and brought the killer to justice!" the forensic analysist  said encouragingly.
           "Even though the evidence is viable, and will bring justice; there is no justice for our victim."

Protecting the evidence is key to any investigation. This was inspired by the CSI Miami clip that we watched earlier in the pod. If you lose the evidence, your case may go cold. No police officer likes cold cases they ruin statistics. Protect the evidence, whatever the weather.

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