Friday, February 8, 2013


My name is Peter Lionel Oliver Tchovsky, I am fifteen years old. I go to Westpoint High, in Westpoint, Deleware. I was in the mall the other Saturday with my friend Jilian Moralez and Nick Panas. We are known
as 'the delinquents'. But yet we have never done anything wrong, we have never been to jail, never been
expelled or suspended. We are referred to that name because Jil is Goth, has some visible tattoos  her
favorite color is black and her past has been pretty dark if you know what I mean. Nick is gay, he has a lim
green mo-hawk. His dad left him and his mom for another man and his mom married another woman. And
me, well I just never see my parents. They are always working my dad is a big shot lawyer and just go
asked to go for his judgeship, Judge Mark Tchovsky, as he will be called. My mom ,Mary Lu Tchovsky
MD, works in  Psychopharmacotherapy  and  Nuclear Pharmacy. She travels all around the world for her
job. So no one is ever home at my house. But anyway, back to the other Saturday at the mall. The three of
us were just walking along by the computer store. This lady dropped her wallet. We all saw her, and I
walked over to it and picked it up and tried to catch her before she left the mall. Jil thought she saw her
heading down to the food court. So we headed that way. On our way there, we hear someone yell : "STOP!
THIEVES!" We looked at each other and turned around. The lady who had dropped her wallet, came
running up to us with a security guard. She came up to me and slapped my face and called me a thief in front
of the whole mall. I looked nervously at Jil and Nick. Neither one knew what was happening either. The
security guard called us delinquents, as if he knew our 'nicknames'. We tried to explain what was happening
and that we were actually looking for her and not stealing her wallet. She was not going to hear any of it, she
made me give her the wallet and checked to make sure everything was in it. And she went on her way
ranting and raving. The security guard looked back at us and said that he knew we were stealing her wallet.
We were all banished from the mall for doing nothing except trying to find the owner of a wallet. And doing
something nice.

There are two plots in this story. Did you find them? No?

One plot is "Don't judge a book, or a person, by the cover", the second is "no good deed goes unpunished". Unlike the RED WIND story from our text,  you can have two plots and have a flowing story. But that story was all over the place. This has clear plots once you know what they are.

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