Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The motive

This will be a more in depth piece that goes hand in hand with my mystery story.

Your daughter will be safe as long as you do what we say. Our intentions are not to hurt her. We just want what is rightfully due to us. Expect a call within the hour. And we will watch your every move.

      Upon being finished with the note, she could feel the blood boil red hot as it caroused through her veins. The adrenaline in her body was firing on all cylinders. Her heart was beating so fast, it could very well have beat right out of her chest. Kidnapping and Blackmail? she thought to herself. Who would stoop that low? Just the thought of that angered her beyond belief. She could feel every fiber of her being being set on fire, she was just about a raging inferno. She was almost at the point of no return. She turned around and sat on her daughter's bed.  Trying to cool her rage down. Rage and anger were the only emotions she could muster.
     This seemed like a cruel joke, an unreal dream. Despair finally came in to take its part. Will I ever see my daughter again? Why didn't I tell her I loved her? questions like this kept swimming around the emptiness of her mind. After many minutes had passed, she looked out the window with the green curtains flowing from the cool breeze that just came and went. She spoke, almost in a whisper, "No matter what the consequences, my daughter's safety comes first. I will do whatever it takes to get her back."

            In this paragraph that I elaborated upon, in bold, different aspects that would make someone have motive. Rage, Anger, Despair, feeling like they would do anything it takes to get whatever or whoever it is back in their possession. People act upon their emotions more often than not and sometimes that is what gets them into trouble, shall we say. Because adrenaline starts pumping and their heart starts beating and then every fiber of their being in on a super high, and they become like an impenetrable freight train that is a force to be reckoned with. 

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